Water, water everyone....and bugs

I seem to remember that last year (or the year before - the older you get the more the years run into one another) we had a drought. I was afraid to use too much water because we operate on a well.
This year we had the rainiest April on record and that trend has continued. I don't want to complain about too much water because we can certainly use it. I planted lavender this year to add to our products and to introduce a new line - eye pillows! (The picture to the right shows our lavender patch.)
With excessive water comes standing water and what loves standing water? Mosquitoes! Lots of them!

Our backyard becomes uncomfortable at night because of the mosquitoes. What to do? Wild Mountain Botanicals insect repellent. I created this formula because I wasn't particularly fond of citronella. The combination of lemongrass and lemon eucalyptus is pleasing to us but not to mosquitoes. A natural remedy to a summer backyard problem.
Get your insect repellent by clicking here.!