What do you need on the Equator?

Wild Mountain Organics/Wild Mountain Botanicals is my side gig, so to speak. My day job is as a professor at St. Bonaventure University. As part of that day job, I am lucky enough to be able to travel to places all over the world. My primary focus is Uganda, Africa where I work with students in Embrace It Africa, a 501c3, dedicated to helping the community of Bethlehem, Uganda.
It's on the Equator.
It's hot and buggy.
What do I take with me? Ah, insect repellent (malaria is no joke - I do also have an anti-malarial medication that I take), toner, hand and body lotion, lip balm, all three rollers, and rose spritz.
Rose spritz is not something I normally sell although I can by request. It makes a wonderful end of the day - or beginning of the day - spritz to soothe. What do I do with the other products?
Hand and body lotion - my hands get dry and I love the scents. I usually take the rose blend with me.
Lip balm - my selfish creation since I use it all the time. I even take a backup in case I run out. The horror!
Toner - your face needs it no matter where you are. It balances your pH and just smells and feels awesome.
Rollers - lavender for the bug bite that I may get if I forget the insect repellent (it does happen), peppermint for headaches, eucalyptus in case I get congested or get a cold (luckily I didn't need it this year).
I also have my essential oil travel kit that didn't make the trip this year but has in the past. It's a wonderful first aid kit or just a nice aromatherapy kit.